Subject: Vet Rally
Date: Tue, 10 Aug. 2004 14:56:23 EDT
Subject: Sept. 12 Rally
Vietnam Vets for the Truth, LLC
Larry Bailey, President
CAPT, USN (Ret. Navy SEAL)
PO Box 49
Mt. Vernon, VA 22121
(703) 799-0438
John Kerry told the world we were war criminals who raped, tortured and murdered in Vietnam. Now, thirty-three years later, we will tell America the truth. Join us at the rally we call: "Kerry Lied . . . While Good Men Died"

What: A peaceful remembrance of those with whom we served in Vietnam - those who lived and those who died. We will tell the story of their virtues and how that contrasts with the lies told by John Kerry.

When: Sunday, Sept. 12, 2004 @ 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT
Where: The West Front of the U. S. Capitol Building, Washington, DC.

All Vietnam veterans and their families and supporters are asked to attend.
Other veterans are invited as honored guests.
Please - This will be a peaceful event--no shouting or contact with others with different opinions. We fought for their rights then, and we respect their rights now. This is NOT a Republican or a pro-Bush rally. Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike are warmly invited. Our gathering is to remember those with whom we served, thereby giving the lie to John Kerry's smear against a generation of fine young men.

B. G. "Jug" Burkett, author of Stolen Valor, will be one of our speakers. Jug has debunked countless impostors who falsely claimed to be Vietnam veterans or who falsely claimed awards for heroism. Jug recommends that we refrain from dragging fatigues out of mothballs. Dress like Americans, like you do every day. Dress code: business casual, nice slacks, and shirt and shoes. No uniform remnants, please. Unit hats OK. Selected members will wear badges identifying them as authorized to speak to the media about our event. Others who speak to the media will speak only for themselves.

The program will be controlled in an attempt to stay on-message. Speakers are encouraged not to engage in speculative criticism of John Kerry but (1) to stick to known and undisputed facts about John Kerry's lies while (2) reminding America of the true honor and courage of our brothers in battle in Vietnam.

Send this announcement to 10 or more of your brothers! Bring them by car, bus, train or plane! Make this event one of pride in America, an event you would be proud to have your mother or your children attend.

Money: It takes a lot of money to do this. If you can, please donate. Make checks payable to "Vietnam Vets for the Truth" and send to PO Box 49, Mt. Vernon, VA 22121. If you can't donate, don't let that stop you from joining your brothers and sisters at the rally. We need you now!

Dan.... Home: 713-462-5321 Cell: 281-850-3582

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." Samuel Adams....


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