Entry 413
Date: Thursday, October 16, 2003 Time: 3:05 PM EST
Name= David H Lippman JO2
Ship / Unit= Naval Antarctic Support Unit
Age= 41
City= Newark and Christchurch
State= New Jersey
Zip= 07104
Country= United States and New Zealand
Phone= 973-733-3697
A URL to share= http://davidhlippman.wildbillguarnere.com
How did you find this site?= From a Search Engine
Reasons for reading about the Vance= Vance/Naval history
Comments= Great page.
My interest in the Vance, of course, is because of the "Arnheiter Affair," and I was hoping some of the veterans could tell me how true the book was and what ever became of those folks.
I was not aware that Vance was in Operation Deep Freeze. As my web pages indicate, I was PAO of Naval Antarctic Support Unit and spent three years in Christchurch, NZ, going to the ice for a week in December 1995.

You might also want to check out my small contribution to World War II history at the above URL. It's a day-by-day history of the war.

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