This is a proposed "Buddy Letter" which can be used to establish claims with the VA.

This template should be tailored to your needs and was sent to us by

Proposed "Buddy Letter"

To whom it may concern:

The following narrative is intended as an outline for corroborative in formation relative to time spent aboard the Vance.

The so-called "Buddy Letter" should contain information about any or all the following topics:
  • Shore bombardment, small arms fire from shore
  • Shore parties involving motorwhale boat, etc..
  • Shore parties , beer and recreation on mainland
  • Undocumented shore visitations by crew members in places
  • like DaNang, QueNhon, Cam Ran Bay etc..
  • The Vance's support of WPB's, Swift boats, PBR's in brown water
  • crew exchanges, repair services,
  • Vance crew members working on said vessels underway in rivers.
  • Any memories,
  • anecdotes relative to this period of time, accurately recalled.
Any and all information will be used by Vance crew members in the furtherance of VA claims by crew members!

Sign (with service or social security number and date)

Bradley D. Hagan